Thursday, December 19, 2013

Pinterest: 268, Cortney: 0

Welp, the office holiday party went off without a hitch. I successfully got everyone drunk so job well done.. Except I successfully got myself pretty drunk too which is why I couldn't even fathom the idea of a post yesterday. 26 year old me couldn't hang with 21 year old me.. that's for damn sure.

I did attempt to bake cookies on Monday night for said party though and found out that baking is just not a Cortney friendly activity.

I always pin a lot of recipes to my "yum" board but never make any of them because I'm lazy because I hate grocery shopping because none of the 267 recipes I've tried have ever turned out like the picture. So this pin has been sitting on my Pinterest for a year:

Little baby Snickers inside a sugar cookie.. Cute little festive balls of goodness. Easy enough right?

Wrong. My cookies flattened out into big green blobs. PDiddy didn't mind one bit though because he got to eat the really funny looking ones.
The solution:
Make somewhat better looking ones the second time around to hide the really ugly ones. Done and done.
Every single one was gone though so at least they tasted good! That's all that matters right?

 photo signature-9.jpg


  1. I've learned when it comes to Pinterest recipes never, ever expect your final product to come out looking the way the picture did. It NEVER happens. But in the end, taste is all that matters. Right?

  2. Pinterest makes me feel totally inadequate with everything that I do in my life.

  3. I hate pinterest for this very reason!

  4. i don't even try to kudos for trying!

  5. This is hilarious!! Pinterest has certainly helped me deal with my fear of failure. lol. Hey as long as they tasted good!!

  6. "because I'm lazy because I hate grocery shopping because none of the 267 recipes I've tried have ever turned out like the picture." Yes, yes, YES! If I had a dollar for every recipe I've pinned but never looked at again...


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